The amount of iron required to successfully treat a line is reduced by 60%–80% when ERI is used. As a result, the client pays less while removing sulfur dioxide and organic smells, reduction of grease, and controlling corrosion.
Bacterial enzymes and organic substrates are connected by catalytic cofactors, which are required for the degradation of organic matter. Enzymatic reactions won't occur if certain cofactors or co-enzymes are lacking or not easily accessible. Millions of enzymatic reactions can happen each second with the right kind and amount of cofactors. ERI makes sure that a system has these essential elements, which accelerates the rate of reaction.
The components of ERI are present at safe concentrations and are utilized by both humans and animals during routine metabolic processes.
The ferrous sulfate and catalytic cofactors in ERI work together to decrease the long-chain volatile fatty acids to shorter-chain acids, which reduces the amount of hydrogen sulfide that is produced.
Waste sludge must be removed in order to prevent buildup inside the system in order to manage WWTPs effectively and efficiently.
There is more pressure on plants, treatment facilities, other wastewater sites to limit odor emissions near their employees and communities.
Grease can flow into sinks and drains when it is hot, but when it cools, it hardens, clogging and harming sewer pipes and creating issues with wastewater treatments.
Corrosion of epoxy coverings and subsequent deterioration of the concrete surfaces of water treatment facilities can often be detected within two years.
BioCOPE, Inc. offers our clients in Canyon, TX and the surrounding areas not only wastewater treatment products but also knowledge obtained from years of observing how municipal and industrial clients operate their wastewater treatment systems and solve their inevitable problems. During the past twenty years, BioCOPE has helped many clients find solutions to their treatment challenges.
Our products have been subjected to rigorous observation and testing in the field and in the lab, and the results have been spectacular. To learn more about our products, follow the links below.
Reduce Cost
Increase Effectiveness
Using ERI reduces the pounds of iron needed to successfully treat a line by 60%-80%. This reduces the cost to the client while providing the removal of sulfide and organic odors, grease reduction, and corrosion control.
Case Studies
Columbus, Texas
Pima County, Tuscon, AZ
Kerrville, Texas
Brown and Caldwell Engineering, San Diego, California
Reduce vapor phase hydrogen sulfide levels to 5 PPM and lower water phase sulfides to .5 mg/L.
The catalytic cofactors reduce the long-chain volatile fatty acids to shorter chain acids, reducing grease.
Removes organic odors such as methyl mercaptans and dimethyl disulfides.
The ingredients of ERI are present in safe amounts and the components are used in everyday metabolic reactions by humans and animals.
Is your waste water treatment facility dealing with excess sludge and foul odors? By adding ERI to your water, you can increase water clarity and greatly reduce outdoor odors affecting the surrounding environment. Our patented formula quickly goes to work degrading the greasy agents causing the problems. Don't wait, contact us today for a quote!
The same ingredients in our municipal and industrial product are present in SepticAid+. These natural substances provide a range of micronutrients, minerals, trace elements and other catalytic cofactors. In the presence of naturally occurring and added bacteria, these ingredients generate biological reactions, breaking down fats, oils and grease to their smallest components and providing a ready source of nutrition for the microbial population.
High-Performance Treatment for
Biocope is our original catalytic cofactor product. It's a safe, nonbacterial product containing no surfactants or degreasers. University Studies have found that Biocope affected the anaerobic digestion process in a significant manner by causing the highest destruction in volatile solids and lower concentration of volatile fatty acids than our competitors.
University Studies
By Prasanna Rao
Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to study the effect of additives on the process of anaerobic digestion in general and on the production of volatile fatty acids in particular.
By Randy Bush
A bench scale analysis of twelve 4-liter anaerobic digesters with a 3-liter working volume was operated to examine the effects of five commercial additives on the degradation of primary municipal sludge.
By R. Krishnamurthy
Six 4 Liter capacity laboratory-scale reactors with a 3 Liter working volume were used to study the effects of Biocope on the anaerobic digestion of cattle waste.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
We have a number of case studies that can be accessed in the navigation bar. These are examples of harm reduction by using BioCOPE INC products in waste water facilities.
ERI (EnRich Iron)
Biocope (our original formula)
SepticAid+ (for home use)
Yes! The ingredients used in our products are easily and safely metabolized by humans and animals. Our formula allows municipal and industrial waste water facilities to remove harmful agents from waste water.
Biocope uses micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and modest amounts of catalytic cofactors to treat waste water. Biocope has been shown to reduce vapor phase hydrogen sulfide levels, as well as lower water phase sulfides. Biocope uses our specially formulated catalytic cofactors to break down organic material. Biocope leads to reduced odors, reduced grease, and control of corrosion.
Contact us today for more information about using Biocope to treat your waste water!
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